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Time for the Last Break of Mandatory Public Education

Over the past week, I was able to take some time for myself and reflect on the fact that after this break, I will take my last AP Exams, go to prom, display my ISM work at Final Presentation Night, graduate, and go to college. It has truly been an interesting ride to say the least; however, I have learned so much about myself and people around me to impact my future. I greatly appreciate the support of my family, friends, and teachers who have showered me with the wealth of knowledge and experience in the past twelve years of my education. Overall, this break has been a way to really digest the fact that college is sooner than I imagine, and I truly cannot wait to use the skills I have learned in this process to hopefully succeed in anything I pursue.

Regarding my ISM work, I have started the preliminary work for my final product to create a publication and pamphlet for parents to learn the true importance of echocardiograms for their newborns. I plan to jumpstart my plan of action this week by completing most of the research by the end of the weekend. In addition, I have requested to watch surgery this week with my mentor, who I can also update on my progress for my final product. All in all, my focus is now solely on my final product and to make it the best it can be because it will be the last cumulative ISM product I will ever create in my life.

Best Regards,

Anuja Jayachandran

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