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Time to Go

Over the course of this week, I was able to go on a phone interview for my final product, go on a mentor visit, and create an assessment over my final product. The phone interview I had was with a pediatrician, Dr. Dickschat, who was of great help in telling me her experience with newborn screenings and how they work especially in indicating heart problems. It seems that this screening is not a part of finding heart conditions in newborns and that is why my final product stresses the importance of echocardiograms to stat this. Moreover, after this interview, i was able to go on a mentor visit to go over my portfolio, talk about the interview, future things for my product, and Final Presentation Night. She told me to try to reach out to hospitals like Parkland to see if my publication would be presented in their newsletter as so many babies are born there. In addition, because my audience is parents I can publish the paper in local magazines as well. Furthermore, unfortunately I found that the feasibility of a pamphlet in hospitals is not very likely because of hospital regulations and my also my qualifications do not include anything board certified to have the hospital sponsor. Therefore, the pamphlet is not possible however this week I plan to work very hard on my publication. All in all, for the next week, I will pass out invitations, work on my FPN presentation speech, and write my publication.

Best Regards,

Anuja Jayachandran

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